Moama Public School

Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts

Telephone03 5482 1564 or AH Mobile No 0459 269 704 for enrolments

Koluka Preschool - Moama Public School

Welcome to our Preschool (Gulpa gaka)   

Koluka Preschool is in the grounds of Moama Public School and is open to all children indigenous and non-indigenous turning 4yrs before 31st July, the year before they attend primary school. 

We run one group over three sessions during school times 9:05am to 3:05pm - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. (18 Hours in Total).

Koluka Preschool is the only Department of Education Preschool in Echuca-Moama and surrounding areas which places us with the unique ability to support the children of Echuca-Moama to achieve a smooth transition to primary school, as they are already a part of the vibrant and positive school community at Moama Public School.

Koluka Preschool embraces the Early Years Learning Framework as a part of the National Quality Framework.  At preschool we believe children learn best through well planned and supported play-based experiences, based on the interests and emerging skills of the children.  Koluka Preschool children learn in our well-resourced classroom with experienced and qualified Early Childhood Professionals delivering our innovative preschool program. 

Meet the Teacher : Tracey Gray

Hi, I am Tracey and I have been teaching early childhood education since 1993. I am passionate about providing a warm and caring environment that helps and supports the children's learning and development. By giving them the opportunity through self discovery, allowing the child's natural curiosity to direct their learning and providing safe,  nurturing environments that support risk taking and invites a sharing of ideas, whilst promoting respect for all things and all people. I look forward to meeting and getting to know new  families at Moama Public Koluka Preschool.

National Quality Standard Assessment and Rating

Koluka Preschool has been acknowledged for its achievements in Meeting the National Quality Standards and striving for quality outcomes for children. Collaborative partnerships with families,  communities and support agencies, leadership and service management demonstrates the commitment to quality by the approved provider, educators and staff.

Overall rating: Meeting National Quality Standards (M)

Applications for enrolment

Moama Public School accepts enrolment applications for the following year from the beginning of Term 2 of the current school year.

Parents/carers apply on the Application to enrolment in a NSW Government Preschool.
Enrolment requires the following documentation to the provided : 

Birth certificate or proof of identity and residency status, Immunisation documentation as specified by the Australian Government, Proof of residential address, passport or immicard and evidence of visa status for children who are not Australian citizens, low-income health care card if applicable and copies of any family law or other relevant court orders if applicable.

When enrolling young children with disabilities or special learning needs, the Principal will seek support from the Learning and Wellbeing officer in the local Educational Services team.

Preschool Play Uniforms

If you are interested in having our navy blue Preschool polo and windcheater with Preschool logo, ordering information inquiries are welcome at the preschool or school office on
03 5482 1564.

Moama Public School & Koluka Preschool
Caring for our future
T: Telephone 03 5482 1564
E: Email

Every student matters, every moment counts